The Designated Players | An MLS Podcast
We are The Designated Players | An MLS Podcast! Your home for all things MLS, Past Present and Future! Hosted by Andrew Barnikel and Connor Wright
The Designated Players | An MLS Podcast
Episode 339: MLS Executives Give Their Thoughts On The State of MLS, and so do we! ft Nerdy Soccer Guy!
In this episode, we sit down with Deon from Nerdy Soccer Guy to have an open chat about The annual MLS Executives Survey from The Athletic! Tons of topics covered today, from Messi and the World Cup, to USL's D1 League, the Fall-Spring Calendar, and even Don Garber's Successor. Be sure to share your thoughts below!
Recorded on: 3/6/25
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0:00 - Scarf of the Week
3:57 - Is MLS Taking Advantage of Messi and The 2026 WC
12:03 - Should MLS Swithc To A Fall Spring Calendar
19:58 - Is USL's D1 League A Threat To MLS?
31:14 - How Can MLS Get More People To Watch Their Product?
44:37 - What Is The Future Of The Leagues Cup?
56:26 - How Should Teams Build Their Academy?
1:07:55 - What Should MLS Look For In Don Garber's Successor?
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